Project Germination

16 Dec 2016

The seed of the idea behind LetUmGrow began years ago on hikes that I would take with my dad. He usually brought photocopies of pages of the trail guidebook he owned. Occasionally, he would also bring his Hawaiian plant guide book. With both of these resources, he was often able to give lots of background information about the trail including information on the plants found on certain parts of the trails.

As I grew older, I still had an appreciation for hiking the trails of Hawaii. But due to my minimalist style of hiking I try not to carry much with me besides my water bottle and phone and end up not being able to easily identify plants.

LetUmGrow was originally conceived as a plant identification app (with a the dream goal being able to identify plants using a mobile devices camera à la QR codes or Facebook facial recognition).

After discussion with others interested in my initial idea, we broadened our focus to include maps of plants.

Having completed an initial version of the app, I want to clearly define the vision behind our team’s app. For now, I would like the major focus to be on building a community focused on appreciating plant life and grow from there.